Our Services

Our Services

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Coronavirus Support
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In these difficult times we can help you with the following:

Reopening and working safely
The flexible furlough scheme
Redundancies and restructure

Retained HR Services

 As your business grows, we can help free up your time to concentrate on your core business priorities by providing HR management without you committing to employing someone full time.

Whether you need help once a week, once a month or on an ad hoc basis we have the flexibility to support you.

We can also create or modify branded policies, handbooks or induction programmes that are specific to your business needs.

I now understand the real difference between an HR Partner and someone who advises. It feels like Cath is part of the team. She's understands issues that small businesses face, whatever sector you might be in - people are people as she would say! In the short time she's been with us, she's made a huge difference; given the management team confidence to act more decisively on thorny HR issues, a programme of leadership training for our mid management plus speedy responses to queries by email and telephone. I can't recommend her highly enough.

Outsourced production management


If you do not have the time to devote to improving your production or developing your production team, we can provide hands-on assistance as often or as seldom you wish.

Improving flow, reducing waste, adding capacity are all our bread and butter.  We specialise in directing focus onto those areas that add value and reducing all the effort spent elsewhere.

We can also assess whether your systems are 'fit for purpose' or are encouraging unproductive endeavours and will implement improvements as necessary.

"Enthusiasm, passion, and focussed organisation skills would be my first and lasting impressions of Gill.  Her ability to grasp a technical problem is second to none, and she has led the way in assisting us to achieve great strides within the organisation.  She is highly energetic, friendly, and always there to give good advice.  As a direct result of Gill’s efforts, we are in a much better place both technically and organisationally."

 Independent investigations

Free up your invaluable management time and allow us to independently investigate grievances, disciplinaries and Dignity at Work cases.

As well as having many years of hands-on, practical experience we are ACAS trained in investigations and will remain impartial, seek to understand all sides of the issue and speak truth to power where necessary.  Investigations will be robust but also compassionate and fair.

Management reports will be provided along with recommendations that are compatible with your policies and the law.

 Interim assignments

We provide a safe pair of hands between permanent appointments.

Our many years’ experience have proved that our skills are transferrable between industries and sectors, and we possess the ability to quickly grasp the fundamentals of your business.

Personable and outgoing, we will readily slot into your team as required.

"Brings a breath of fresh air to the business and quickly gets to know the people in the company and the character of the team.  Can assist with critical restructuring projects to improve business effectiveness.  Contributes energy, enthusiasm and results.
Highly recommended when fast impact is required and/or for projects that require the engagement and facilitation of the team."

Data analysis and reports 

 Let us crunch your numbers and analyse the performance of your business against standard key indicators or bespoke measures.

We can develop simple to use spreadsheets (alongside any existing systems) to just track the things that are important to you, and help you use that information to drive improvements.

"She assimilates information quickly and gets to the core of the problem of Identifying priorities to be addressed."
"Gill is one of the cleverest ladies I know, she’s a bit of a geek and she loves a spreadsheet."

Special projects

When you have identified a business need but lack the resources to address it, we can help. Typical projects include:
  •     Coaching and mentoring
  •     Improving productivity
  •     Designing and delivering training to meet your specific needs
  •     Change management
  •     Creating people plans to deliver objectives
  •     Lean manufacturing and continuous improvement
  •     Employee engagement initiatives
  •     Establishing additional production capacity
  •     Fostering a team focus on what adds value and reduces waste
  •     Introduction of management systems
  •     Product certification
"Gill never shies away from challenging the norm, and her thought process is radical but never reckless nor obtrusive.  She is versatile, extremely confident and dependable, seeing through her commitments responsibly.  She demonstrates creative thinking, is verbally expressive, and has a great sense of humour.  She has been a real an asset to us.  Anything she turns her hands to will be of great value to her clients and business colleagues."

Insights Discovery™ & Clarity 4D training

 We are also licensed practitioners and distributors for Insights Discovery ™ and Clarity 4D -  popular, simple tools which help people understand themselves, understand others and make the most of relationships that affect them in the workplace.  At the end of the workshop your team members receive a personality profile which outlines the strengths they bring to the team and which they can use as an action plan for development areas.

"Cath facilitated an introduction to Insights Discovery workshop for our HR Team.  It was interactive and fun.  There were plenty of light-bulb moments and actions to take back to the workplace to improve working relationships. We are looking forward to working with her again."

Bespoke training

Whether it’s a specific development need identified by our clients or a solution agreed in partnership, we offer training to suit.  We will build flexible, bespoke workshops or courses to address your business requirements.  We specialise in a practical ‘how to’ approach alongside recognised theoretical models.  Recent workshops delivered to clients have been ‘coaching in the workplace’, ‘HR skills for line managers’, ‘how to lead people to improve performance’, ‘performance management’ and ‘managing absence’.

"Cath has delivered a number of workshops for us specialising in Principles of People management.  Delegate feedback has been consistently positive and as a result she is now delivering Coaching & Mentoring workshops for us."

 Occupational Health

Is a member of your team absent?  Is this having an effect on your company’s ability to run smoothly?  Absence can cause a huge disruption for your business.

Our Occupational Health professional can help you manage long term sickness absence and suggest steps to facilitate a quicker return to work or enable you to understand the reason for the absence and what reasonable adjustments could be made to ensure their return safely.

"Ruth provides us with great, clear Occupational Health reports and does not get any splinters by sitting on the fence!"

"By far the best Occupational Health professional I have ever worked with, she is caring when talking with employees and gives great advice to us as the employer"


Health & Safety support

Both Cath and Gill are NEBOSH qualified and have a wealth of experience in different industries and environments.

Key to our approach is helping businesses work with their employees to introduce systems that people will follow, will keep people safe and are fit for purpose.  We will not recommend overly cumbersome solutions that appear to tick boxes but which in reality are resented by the workforce.

"Gill has really helped us understand that Health & Safety is not something to be feared and that the processes do not need to be complicated.  We can now focus on keeping people safe which is what it's all about."
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